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Be consumed with in a sentence

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Sentence count:26+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2020-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: be confused withbe concerned withbe connected withbe confronted withbe compared withbe combined withbe coupled withbe covered with
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1. I knew that the next day I would be consumed with guilt.
2. He was consumed with jealousy.
3. Carolyn was consumed with guilt.
4. They are consumed with jealousy at her success.
4. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
5. He was consumed with guilt after the accident.
6. She was consumed with guilt.
7. She was consumed with curiosity.
8. Like most coaches, I am consumed with my work.
9. The thing I liked best about Teravainen was that he was consumed with factual accuracy.
10. He made her feel shockingly vulnerable when she should have been consumed with annoyance herself.
11. They are expected by friends and neighbours to follow the normal passages of grieving, yet often they are consumed with anger.
12. My friend Lindsey said I was consumed with earthy desires and unable to reach the higher planes.
13. I was consumed with envy of the young men and women who drifted together through the streets.
14. The desserts can be consumed with an utterly clear conscience when you have calories to spare in your daily allowance.
15. To be consumed with strong emotion, especially.
16. Now, debates in Washington tend to be consumed with the politics of the moment: who's up in the daily polls; whose party stands to gain in November.
17. At very high loads, the processor can be consumed with scheduling and devote little time to the tasks themselves.
18. Stretching takes up extra time that could be consumed with more important activities.
19. He would be consumed with the consideration of whether to bury it here or whether to bury it there -- or should he bury it two feet under, or maybe he should bury it six feet under?
20. Fortunately, even flawed loaves are usually delicious and can often be consumed with great joy.
21. But whatsoever shall be found on the third day shall be consumed with fire.
22. A diet that is harmful to one person may be consumed with impunity by another.
23. Italy is burning, and the rest of the euro area could be consumed with it.
24. Wherefore came I forth out of the womb to see labour and sorrow, that my days should be consumed with shame?
25. Whosoever cometh any thing near unto the tabernacle of the LORD shall die: shall we be consumed with dying?
26. When you're an at home parent it's easy to be consumed with doing things for other people ALL the time.
More similar words: be confused withbe concerned withbe connected withbe confronted withbe compared withbe combined withbe coupled withbe covered withconsumedunconsumedconsumedlyultimate consumerbe consonant withbe charged withbe consistent withbe armed withconsumeconsumerconsumerismconsumer loanconsumer goodsconsumer demandconsumer loansconsumer creditconsumer pricesconsumer marketconsumer surveyas contrasted withconsumer financeconsumer surplus
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